Thursday, 1 March 2012

More on Whale...

A great bit of cooperation between Pembrokeshire marine people, coast gaurds etc.  I managed to alert our friends on the Briggs EA survey vessel "Water Gaurdian" who had just arrived in the Haven (Mark, Gareth and Dan) The animal, which turned out to be a Pilot Whale. was obviously lost and going to keep on stranding. The Briggs boys launched theiir RHIB  (2nd pic') and helped  to keep the unfortunate animal from stranding again until the vet could stop its suffering being prolonged. This was never likely to be a happy ending but loads of people worked together to do their best for the animal rather than   allowing its agony to go on and on, Well done to all concerned and thanks to all that phoned or emailed to alert us. Its a chilling thought that in the Faroe Islands , thousands of people get together to kill Pilot Whales for fun!