Thursday, 24 May 2012

When the fog clears...

Several Sea Trust stalwarts visited Newquay today for a Bottlenose fix. Unfortunately our boat trip with Steve Hartley in the afternoon ended up fog bound and apart from a seal and a distant Porpoise little else than birds and Rhyzostoma jellys were seen, but the bottles did put on a show this morning! Also nice to see Dave and Elfyn were keeping an eye on Pembrokeshire for us whilst we were in Ceredigion!. A text message (aargh love email reports, hate texts as I am always losing my mobile!) from Steve Berry of 5 porpoises off Pen Anglas last Monday. I met up with Steve last week and he told me that he had sent the text about Bottles off Pen Anglas last week and there were at least eight with a juvenile, not two, sorry mate hopeless with texts!
Steve Rosser currently volunteering on Skomer phoned in yesterday to let me know he had actually seen two porps to the north, from the farm, such were the clear calm conditions. As the farm is in the middle of the island thats got to be a rare occurance. He also saw porps from more traditional watching points such as Skomer Head and the Garland Stone.
Whilst talking to Steve Hartley yesterday he also mentioned a report of some/an Orca being seen by a support boat en route to Arklow from Pembrokeshire prior to the Arklow Aberystwyth Rowing Race a couple of weeks ago. Nick o'Sullivan of the Celtic Wildcat also heard the same thing so maybe "John Coe" is about in or near our waters !