As part of a Bangor Universities School of Ocean Sciences, SEACAMS project we (Rich Crossen and self) have been invited on board the Prince Madog survey vessel to map some of our survey areas. Our main work has been as marine mammal observers for the project, whilst the ship uses its multi beam scanners to map the seabed. The weather has been touch and go but we have managed a lot of porpoise sightings throughout the process around Strumble. Yesterday we had a look around the Bishops and Clerks out from Ramsay. Our main idea was to try and get a handle on how porpoises move around or use the area beyond Ramsay Sound, and if we could see any signs of Porpoises between the two hotspots. For a first try it was pretty succesful with porpoises recorded all around the Bishops and Clerks and the Bias Bank. Its an interesting area of research we hope to develop in the future wth Bangor and other partners, more later...