Tuesday, 1 January 2013

80+ turn up for New Years Day Strumble Porpwatch!

Nearly ninety people turned up at Strumble Head lookout for our Sea Trust New Years Day Porp Watch,  launching  our "Year of the Porpoise/2013/Blewyddyn y Llamhidydd". The car parks were full when I arrived with an eager throng ready and waiting. People came and went throughout the watch, and quite a few were still hanging on as we left, talk about hardcore!

early starters

It was cold but dry with an onshore wind that built up a big sea as the tide was ebbing. Not exactly perfect conditions for porpoise watching, in fact pretty hopeless really. A couple of Porpoises showed briefly in the breakers as well as a seal or two but sadly most of our supporters are still  porp-less (so far)  this year!

Even so plenty of Razorbills, Guillemots, Kittiwakes Shags and even a couple of wintering Gannets kept the ball rolling   None the less most people were wrapped up warm enough to endure my talk and some were even stirred to ask some pretty good questions.

getting a bit full in there

I never fail to be amazed at the fact that people brave wind, rain, snow (and this year a pretty deep flooded road)  to come to Strumble and celebrate our Porpoises on New Years Day. Some old friends, some new some from away but mainly local I doubt if any political party could raise that kind of enthusiasm amongst the general public.

will the last one out, turn off the lights!

And thats what its about,  people who care about and are proud of their porpoises, may it ever  be so...
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! Happy New Year!