We arrived as the Strumble lookout as the tide was just beginning to make. There were Porpoises all over, some near some far and at least two with calves. With click counts we recorded an average of 32 sightings per hour and in truth there must have been at least 40-50 present passing by us with the tide. It really is a great start to the year and allied to past sightings there can be no doubt that our case is solid.
The dolphin superpod had kind of sidelined our Year of the Porpoise or perhaps we should make it the "Year of the Pembrokeshire Porpoise " as its these we are particularly aiming to get a Special Protection Area designated for them at Strumble or at least Strumble to be brought within the Pembrokeshire SAC and Porpoises to be included in its designation. The video below is short and grainy but gives an idea of what to look for if you visit Strumble!