Thursday, 9 October 2014

Skerries sighting

Any idea what could this be? Spotted by the Skerries on the 28/05/2014. Thanks! Merin Broudic

Looks like a porpoise to us Merin. What do you think?

For me it was much bigger and darker. I'll look through the other picture. Thanks for your comment!

Oh right okay. Send us any other pictures if you like! Was this the only view you had or did you see it doing anything else? From what we can see (small triangular dorsal fin, curved back) it looks like a porpoise, but very occasionally a diving Minke can be confused for a porpoise. But as I said, let us know any more details and send through any other pictures and we can have a second look for you.

Anyone else have any input?

From Malcolm Barradell: Merins picture classic dark and large female porpoise