Sunday, 2 November 2014

WOW! Porpoises put on a show to finish off our three day cetacean course...

Risso's on our first day, Bottles on our second and then some really good Porpoises in Ramsay Sound to finish off our course! 

Typical side view of porpoise (Dai Powell) 
There can be no guarantees but we really do expect porpoises and Bottles on our three day
cetacean courses,  The Risso's are a bonus but recently they seem to be turning up quite regularly.
Front view (Dai Powell) 

Mother and calf  (Dai Powell) 
Its really satisfying when things all work out and everyone has had a good time, This is the last course for 2014, but we will be running more again next year. We will post details when dates are confirmed....