Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Strumble Diary some remarkable images from Ken Barnett

Strumble is an amazing place and it attracts some amazing people. We recently bumped into Ken a keen local photographer equipped with his state of the art Canon camera and lens he said he had a few shots of porpoises and I said we would love to see them. Ken kindly brought his memory stick and said we could use them....WOW!

I think you will agree they are a bit special, especially as the porpoises are so distant.

This last picture is especially special as it is of what we believe to be a porpoise calf taking its first breath... Kens description was that he saw a porpoise dashing around in a circle thrashing its tail for several minutes. It then stopped and the next thing the calf popped up! I have seen similar behavior in the past but distant and not really getting what was happening. Thanks for clearing that up Ken! amazing!!!