Sunday, 7 June 2015

Whales (not) in Wales! from Stevo!

Monday 25th May
We all went on a whale watching trip out of Juneau at 1pm. And we saw about 20 Humpback Whales and they were just logging and lob tailing also tail fluking as well .Then we had lots of seal sightings which were Steallar Sea Lions and Harbour Seals. It was fantastic to watch. Amazing weather with flat calm sea conditions.
Wednesday 27th May
Then we went into Glacier Bay and it was amazing with a  diversity of wlidlife. And we saw lots of Humpback Whales again and also very unusually sea otters lying on their backs as the ship sailed by, what an experience to be there. It was a fantastic day out and the sea condition was flat calm it was awesome watching all the icebergs and sea otters floating on their backs.  We also saw some black legged kittiwakes.
Monday 1st June
Dad and I went on a water jet  and it went very fast bombing along to Pender Island where we saw 2 pods of Orca Whales. They were fishing for salmon we watched them for 1 1/2 hours but on our way back to Vancouver we had a treat because a Humpback Whale was spotted. It   was entertaining, breaching , tail slapping and diving. We also saw Steallar Sea Lions, Harbour Seals and a  Bald Eagle on a ramp of floating logs. The sea condition was choppy.We had some awesome sightings it was a great day out looking for wild life. I got some great photographs on my camera to show you all and to put on Sea Trust facebook.
allthingsgood Stevo and my Mum and Dad