Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Porps off the Outer Breakwater Fishguard Harbour

Adrian Roger (Wdig birder) accompanied me on to the outer breakwater. Not much bird-wise other than a single ringed plover and a few rock pipits...and then we noticed quite a lot of gull activity out from the Cow and Calf Rocks. A fairly distant mother and calf pair of porpoises were seen together heading east of which I only got a distant shot and then another single animal was also spotted moving in the same direction towards the harbour mouth.

Its really not easy getting shots of them when they surface erratically but a couple of gulls followed them helping us to guess where they might pop up. As we followed their progress they got a bit closer and I managed some half decent shots! At least one mother and calf plus a single adult but there may have been more.