Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Another day another porpoise... or three!

Almost endless winds and rain over the past few days have not been particularly helpful in terms of spotting and recording cetaceans but a short period of dryer less windy weather saw us out on the Northern Breakwater. 
Stijn, Anita, Marged and the walrus started searching the waves and troughs for porpoises off Crin Coed Point on the western edge of Fishguard Bay. It did not take long and although too distant for photo's we all got on them,appearing and disappearing in the log swells with a handful of mixed gulls above them.So another day another porpoise but even better, we managed to make out a mother and calf again.

Anita and Stijn working in the Ocean Lab.

Stijn and Anita are two young Dutch students from Van Halle University Working with Malcolm Barradel  on his Ramsay Sound project but also giving some time volunteering with Sea Trust.
They are helping to manage some of our data, transferring it from the original paper sheets into digital XL formats that can be used for mapping. It's a bit tedious so getting out to see some porpoises made for a nice break!