Firstly... Yes Ken is back! his fifth image of the eleven (given to us free and gratis) is i believe... a masterpiece, absolutely priceless!
I am almost ashamed to put my poor efforts on a page graced by his craft but perhaps they serve as an infill or an entree. So anyway we arrived at the northern breakwater to find the bottles there and reasonably close.I have to say I was pretty useless today with about half a dozen half decent shots out of 190! I decided to give in and try and work out who was who and how many. I think there were at least five but more likely seven. Apache and Ringo mainly kept their distance and what seemed to be a mother and smallish calf. Then two juveniles perhaps three but it as usual seemed impossible to accurately count them as they seemed to move in random ways seperating and feeding but never all togethr as if wary of one another so I am not absolutely sure who was who apart from Apache with another smaller animal that was presumably Ringo. none of the others seemed to have any distinguishing features... Ho hum, here's a few and then over to you Ken, Welcome home mate, on to the main event!