Howdy Peeps.
It seem like ages since I last put a post up and I can't tell you how much (because of Covid) I'm missing not being able to visit my second home. No, not some quaint little cottage deep in the welsh countryside but a humble little box shape of a concrete bunker otherwise known as the Strumble Lookout. At the start it was lots of decorating and tidying up around the house. With that done it's been a continuous rota of dog walks, relaxation and of course my other favourite passtime of curry cooking, much to my wife's delight.
Yesterday was the first day since lockdown that I decided to take my camera and long lens on one of my daily walks. Not far, in fact just to the flagpoles at Goodwick beach. It seemed at first as if there were nothing there, but careful study with the binoculars allowed me to pick out two Turnstones, a Ringed plover and several Wimbrel feeding among the exposed stones just off the beach and a foraging Oystercatcher roaming the waterline. The Plover lucked in as it found a very large and savage looking worm which I'm sure would have filled it for the day. The Turnstones were busy doing what their name suggests and also feeding well. One of the Wimbrel caught a crab and after skillfully removing the legs was left with a tasty parcel which was quickly despatched before a charging dog on the beach put them all to flight.
Enjoy the images below and you never know I might get some more before too long. Stay safe all and let's hope we'll be back at Strumble sooner rather than later.
Ken B.