Thursday, 4 June 2020

Bottles are back!

We went out on green breakwater this afternoon (Fran and self), for the first time since Lock-Down. It was overcast, grey and unpromising but as I drew closer to the end, surprise! I spotted the unmistakable dorsal fin of a Bottlenose Dolphin! There were two one which looked like a young animal and another that looked older, perhaps a calf and mother.
It seemed they were moving out of the harbour but I managed to get a few shots before they suddenly disappeared like magic, ever so dolphin! Thankfully I got a few shots, not up to Ken or Holly's standards, but they should help us to identify them if we see them again.
See below!

The older looking animal had three pale marks on the leading edge of its dorsal, a slightly ragged top of the trailing edge, and a dark lozenge shaped mark below the base of the dorsal.

The younger looking animal had a clean, tidy, dorsal but a dark mark under the dorsal.
Lets hope we see them again soon!