Saturday 4 December 2010

They were only playing porpfrog...

On a dismal midwinters afternoon a dozen or so porpoises, working slowly up the tide from the Strumble light' were clos-ish and even in the persistent drizzle, fun to watch.Two mothers with very small calves almost glued to their sides were again proof of winter breeding.

Some porpfrogging with one animal leaping on/over the others back was also going on although I couldn't make out any real details of who was doing what to whom.

My guesses are:

  1. its a male trying a bit of unsubtle foreplay with a female
  2. or a weaned youngster trying to get a feed from an uncooperative mother
  3. or a female driving off last years young.
  4. Males fighting over females.

Take your pick, but either way there is some social interaction going on with tail slapping, surgeing type macho surfacing, some with puffy blows etc, with several animals involved.

Not much to report over the preceeding week with blizzards and gales messing things up. Our long term volunteer Verena Bolender went home on Monday, or at least tried to but had an unscheduled night in a Gatwick hotel as Frankfurt Airport was closed down with snow. Nice to know we were not the only place to be caught unawares by this cold snap! Even nicer to know she is now home and safe. Verena was a great help and we will miss her!

I tried to attach a flyer for our boxing day event but this is how it turned out...

Fishguard Harbour Parrog Boxing Day
The Great White “Fishyguard” Whale Sand Sculpture
!!! World Record Attempt !!!
Come and help!!! Your Whales in Wales need YOU!!!
Fight the flab! burn some blubber! Bring: adults food and goodies!
Boxing Day 10.30 till dark! bring buckets and spades Boxing DayWorld Record Attempt: come for an hour - come for the day.

not as pretty as the flyer but does the job!

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