Monday 12 November 2012

Hi everyone! 
My name's Hannah and I've recently got involved with the Sea Trust, I'll be taking over pretty much from where Cristina left off (fishtraps etc), so just thought I'd introduce myself!
This afternoon, Cliff and I went out to check the traps and had quite a catch; with a small lobster, plenty of prawns, a few juvenile fish, as well as a good haul of crabs (about 17!); velvets, edibles and shore crabs.
Then we went on to the outer breakwater, the conditions weren't too bad and we managed to just about spot one porpoise off Pen Anglas. We headed up to Strumble after just to see what was about, and found a gannet flying around; although we didn't see it catch anything, there was no doubt it was feeding, after seeing it dive repeatedly. As always, the gannet was a great indicator of porpoise presence... There was a group (3 or 4 possibly, but hard to estimate) feeding in the tidal stream for the period we were there, and I think they managed to fend off the gannet trying to steal their lunch, just about... All in all, quite a successful day!
All the best for your own watches, hope to hear from you soon :)