Monday 12 September 2016

A Sigh of Relief

With a no show by the bottles yesterday we were concerned that the incident on Saturday may have driven them away and that we may not see them again this year. Well, happily today they were back and boy did they put on a show. Cliff had arranged to take his new voluteer out on the breakwater so I tagged along and with the wind the way it was I didn't expect to see much at all. As soon as I arrived at the end of the breakwater there they were just mooching around. Cliff and Chantelle soon caught up and we watched as the two juveniles started leaping and darting around while the two adults stayed close by. They soon headed outward and while the others left for Strumble I stayed in case they returned.
      Having let Cliff out of the gate I returned to see the bottles close to Pebbly Beach but they were soon on the move again out toward the lighthouse. I drove ahead to wait and tracked them as they made their way. As they drew level with me they suddenly sped off at very high speed leaving great plumes of spray in the windy conditions. Fish I though as I tracked them through the lens snapping away as they went. Suddenly into view came the ferry and then the penny dropped. They were going to ride the bow wave I thought so I focussed in and boy were they enjoying it. One, then two, then all four leaping away in gay abandon and they did that for a quarter mile or so before veering off and returning to the lighthouse. A few more views and it all went quiet as if they'd gone under for a rest. With a very big smile on my face I wispered a thankyou and made for home. 

                                                First view and so nice to see them back.

                              Off at speed and chasing fish I thought but they had a ferry to catch.

                                                                 Glorious bow riders.