Monday 3 September 2018

Strumble Diary 03/09/2018

The promise was a sunny afternoon following a dreary and wet morning. True to say this time the forecast was right and so myself, Holly, Rachel and James headed off to Strumble to catch the top of the flood tide. I arrived first followed shortly after by the others. Before they arrived I spotted and captured on camera a few porps but they were hard to get in the swells created by a stiffening NNE wind. The first image was typical of the sort of sightings we were getting with the porps moving fast and breaking surface very briefly to breath before diving deep to feed. In the end it was more of a spotting excercise than a photo session and these remained the only images captured for the session. A female seal came swimming by and also a Kestrel which I managed to capture from both sides of the lookout..