Thursday 15 August 2019

Pretty much on time with four of the big five at Strumble!

I arrived at Strumble at about half past ten. A brisk WNW breeze was chopping up the tide race as the tide was ebbing. Another observer was already there and we soon got into conversation as several porpoises were showing in the race. My companion had a telescope and got onto a couple of animals which he described as big with a tall fin mainly grey! Not much doubt there, but as is the way of Risso's they vanished without trace and I missed them 
The Porpoises were active in numbers but I did not manage a decent shot. 
As I surveyed the tide race, a gaggle of animals with obviously hooked fins, were seen making their way down the tide-race. Around 6-10 Common Dolphins moving through in a  uncharacteristically restrained tight  little group. Again I missed them although My Companion (Peter Harris) did get a shot confirming them as commons. Birdy interest was added to the watch with four Sandwich Terns, a couple of Med Gulls and an Arctic Tern which chased a Kittiwake and then turned its attention to a juvenile Bonxie! 
Soon after Peter picked up a long dark back  slicing through the chop a Minke! seen then gone we searched hard for another view but again were thwarted. So another hour of classic if slightly frustrating cetacean watching at Strumble!