Tuesday 17 December 2019

Strumble Diary 17/12/2019

As usual this time of the year time is scarce as things get busy for Christmas. Given the really nice day today I managed to grab an hour for a short survey. When I arrived Holly and the Tuesday crew were there so I settled in and joined the watch. The ebb tide was starting to show some turbulence off to the NNE and the seas were calm. We spotted one or two porpoise on the fringes of the turbulence but the sightings were very brief. Volunteer Maire spotted a large fin way off but the rest of us failed to spot it. A short time later Holly spotted a small group of Rissos (5) moving toward the west and this time I did manage to get a brief sight of them and a couple of shots as well. Shortly after that I spotted a further three Rissos very far out and that was that as they slipped below the surface and were not seen again. A short survey then but a record of the Rissos still being in the area. In case this is the last chance I get to post before Christmas I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year.