Monday, 27 May 2024

Strumble Diary 27/05/2024

 I didn't think I would be able to get a session in today, but did manage a couple of hours. When I arrived the porpoise were mostly feeding well beyond Mackrel point which is quite unusual as  during the state of the tide at the time they would normally be off the lookout. They soon did move back with the tide and although some went straight through to the west, others did stop to feed off the lookout. The tide race was very strong today and mostly kept the porpoise darting side to side hardly surfacing for breath, although enough of them took breathers (excuse the pun) and I did manage some pleasing images. There will be a break in my postings for several days I'm afraid as family commitments have to be fulfilled so I'll continue as soon as I can. Have a great week everyone.

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