Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Strumble Diary 29/01/2025

After a few days pushing paint brushes and rollers around my daughter's house in Wiltshire it was good to be back this morning. Also nice to catch up with birder Luke Gravet who was at the lookout when I arrived.

First sighting was of five porpoise distantly feeding off to the NW which gave hope for closer views as the ebb tide picked up. I lost sight of them after ten minutes or so and it shortly became evident why. A bit further out in the same direction a large pod of Commons was moving in toward the area the porpoise were feeding in. One or two came a little closer but were still on the edge of my camera range. Still hopeful of more Porpoise sightings I kept scanning the tide race but no luck. Then three waves of Commons, the first 20-30, then two groups of around fifteen or so came East to West in front of me giving excellent views as they sped through the now quite choppy tide race. Adding these to the original pod which was 60-80 strong and to a very large pod Luke had spotted some three miles out there were possibly 200-250 if not more in the Strumble area. No other Porpoise were seen.

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