Monday, 28 May 2012

Loads of porp's...From Powell Strong and Stevo Lucas

POWELL STRONG 10:26 (13 hours ago)
to me

Pembrokeshire College hosted students from the University of Glamorgan all last week on a Wildlife Observation course.  The first part of the week was spent studying cetaceans.  2 to 5 propoise were recorded at the southern end of Ramsey sound on monday towards the end of the ebb tide.  Near perfect sighting conditions at Strumble on Tuesday morning produced "porpose as far as the telescope could see".  Some quite obvious differences in sizes of the porpoise.  Some close shadowing suggesting young calves with mothers. 

Thanks to Cliff and Richard Crossen for use of images during the class room part of the course.  We were lucky to bump into Malcolm Barradell at Ramsey sound, who gave us a useful update on the site.

Pembrokeshire College and Seatrust are running three cetacean WOW courses this year in June and July.  Course funding is available for those employed in a relevant field.  For more details contact Powell Strong 07917752207 or see
Monday 28th May

Dad and I went to Strumble Head at 4:50pm.
And we saw 30/40 Harbour Porpoises maybe more in the ebbing tide race.
There were many gannets maybe as many as 100!. It was a big feeding frenzy diving and circling
where the sighting was.
The time of the sighting was 4:45pm.
And they were there for about three quarters  of an hour.
The sea condition was south westerly force 3/4 quite choppy in the tide-race.
