Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Poirpoise birth..or not!?

Hi Cliff,

Went spotting today at Point St. John from 09:00 till 13:00, didn't see immense groups of Porpoise, but still a group of approximately 5 to 8 individuals foraging in the tidal race between St. David's Head and Gwahan. Interesting to see that there was a mother and calf involved (a really small one!) which we also saw about 4 days ago near Penllechwen. By then the calf was feeding with it's mother, it almost looked liked it was getting born so the exitement was huge among the crowd (André and I) but when later on we noticed that it was just a moment of feeding..still great to watch!

That's about it for today, hope to have some more news in the next couple of days!

cheers for now!