Friday, 5 October 2012

More dolphins in Fishguard

Once again we had some more dolphins in the harbour. Just after lunch and almost by accident,  I spotted them from home out of my window.  At least two bottlenose dolphins were  really close to the outer breakwater. I phoned Cliff and went down to the Parrog to meet him . While I was waiting I could see several gannets feeding and some of the dolphins were breaching out of the water. Sadly when we arrived at the breakwater they had all gone. Although we scanned the surrounding area for some time they had dissappeared. Interestingly we did see some porpoises of Pen Anglas! 
Although bottlenose dolphins can attack and kill porpoises, it seems that they are capable of being within in relatively close vicinity here. Further views of the bay from Harbour Village, later in the afternoon,  revealed porpoises still  feeding around Pen Anglas and into the south side of the bay although the bottlenose dolphins were still nowhere to be seen.   

Here's a video from the 1st of October (Cristina)