Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Strumble Diary 04/03/2025 Part 2 The afternoon session.

 I joined the Tuesday survey team about 12.30pm as they were watching a small group of commons off to the NW. They reported they'd also seen porpoise foraging between the lookout and the lighthouse. I watched with them as the dolphins moved off to the West and a few porpoise started moving in. We didn't know then that this would be the start of a wonderful hour and a half of almost non stop sightings. Not quite the Porpoise soup we used to see in previous years but very close to it. Singles, pairs, tripples and fours we had it all, all seemingly relishing the food that they had missed on the really big tides of the previous few days. It was as if they were making up for lost time. 

Team leader Carrie and myself captured some fine breaches and on returning home to process my images I found I had captured mating behaviour (porpoise porn) :-) between two of them. I'll seperate the sequence in the images below. With 560 images taken I spent the rest of the afternoon sorting through them leaving me with 91 keepers. Naturally I can't post them all here so this is a selection for your enjoyment.

                            3 image mating sequence. Note, male organ visible in second image.



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