Saturday, 29 August 2015

Fishguard Bay Cetaceans keep on going!

Its a bit late and we are up early to go out on the Cartlett lady but The cetacean blast continues in Fishguard bay with images from Ken Barnett and the walrus

Its quite incredible but we have hardly been out on the outer breakwater recently without seeing either Porpoises or Bottlenose Dolphins or both! This morning it was looking pretty quiet , I noticed a blob in the water that I was just about to photograph as it disappeared below the surface. Barbara had a better view, and came over to tell me it was a turtle!
This afternoon Ken got shots of a really nice mother and calf porpoise at Strumble  and then we went out on the breakwater and over by Crin coed point several gannets and gulls etc, were feeding wit odd porpoises showing distantly. We went along to the end of the breakwater not expecting much when I spotted a dolphin out to the north and heading south at least half a mile away. It became a bit confusing but another/some others were also splashing about as the original started moving closer in. it ended up faffing about halfway along the breakwater towards Crincoed point but then sort of disappaered. Round about then  Ian Hotchin making his way back to his mooring , phoned me to say a couple of dolphins were hanging about in the harbour mouth..We got back in the car and headed back to the end of the breakwater...

Not enough time to really sort things out and Ken probably (as usual) got better shots ! over to you Ken!