Friday 31 August 2018

A Sea Trust Family Outing

Well Sea Trust is one big family and yesterday we went on an outing. Back in the day families went for their outings in char a banc to the seaside. Well we substituted the char a banc for the Cartlett Lady and the seaside for the Celtic Deep and a good time was had by all. To keep the similarities going as with all trips to the seaside some went swimming while others were sick! We assembled at the cafe at 9.30 to the news that the cafe is to close, the staff made redundant and the site redeveloped. While the weather forecast was good and getting better we motored down the Haven under thick cloud and quite chilly conditions. When we cleared St Annes Head we were met with choppy conditions and we threw up a spray to dampen the spirits of those on the stern. We pushed on out in a SW direction and the light drizzle soon turned to rain driving those on the flying bridge to seek shelter. We could clearly see the end of the rain cloud and clear blue sky beyond and eventually we got there. Things had been very quiet, few birds and no cetaceans but then the first of the dolphins appeared. Two of the lads had come equipped with wet suits, masks, snorkels and fins so they got changed and entered the water. Surprisingly the dolphins were not interested in these intruders despite a number of attempts with different pods. The boys enjoyed it heard the dolphins clearly and had some views of them but not the full on investigation than I had expected. We had a brief view of tuna and an even briefer view of a minke. While we loafed about waiting for the minke to reappear we collected a few jelly fish for the Ocean Lab aquarium. We then fitted an underwater camera to a pole to film the dolphins as they played around the boat. I attach a few images and as Ken B was on board he will treat us to more. If the underwater footage comes out it will be posted.