Friday 31 August 2018

Cartlet Lady trip 30/08/2018

Thank you Steve in the previous post for the overview and intro to our latest foray out to the deeps. As Steve mentioned we made our way down the haven under leaden skies which looked quite ominous to most but to me it presented an opportunity too good to miss. Skies have played a large part in my landscape work over the years and I explained to Steve and Ben how much I looked forward to bringing out the detail that most of us simply do not see because we're too busy looking where we're going to bother looking up to see the incredible dynamic skyscapes we have in Pembrokeshire. So forgive my indulgence as for them both I put my money where my mouth is as they say and present a sample of what was above us seen through my eyes.

We motored out for several miles still under a cloud (excuse the pun) but there was lighter skies further out. It was quite choppy at this stage and at one point a concentrated local squall was lifting water in a weak vortex akin to a dust devil on the African plains. Up above the swirling was also evident as we witnessed a few funnel clouds of which this was the most developed.

And so to the main reason for our trip. Sightings were slow to start and the action was well down on that produced during our previous surveys. The groups of dolphin were relatively small with a good number of calves and juveniles present. Sadly most showed little or no interest in the boat and quickly moved off after giving us the once over. Consequently there were not as many images either compared to previous trips but I did manage a few quality breach shots amongst others.

There was other wildlife in the water though in the form of Lloyd and James. We had hoped for some great opportunities for a few on board to enter the world of the dolphins but with the dolphins moving off quickly and the heavy swells there was only time for one or two dips. It was lovely to hear the sheer joyfull noises coming out of Lloyd's snorkel as several commons gave him a first and I'm sure memorable experience that will stay with him for ever..

As the wind dropped it presented us with a chance to net some of the small compass Jellyfish that were in abundance out there for the aquarium.

We all enjoyed the trip and here in a lighter moment we were having a chuckle at Holly modeling the latest thing in marine costume design. She said the orange showed off the colour of her eyes. How could I possibly dissagree.

Alas for some the sea air and rocking motion took it's toll and for these two (Holly and Lee) it all became too much and they were soon dreaming of Whales and Dolphins as we made our way back into the haven.

Another lovely trip had to come to an end sadly and so it's many thanks once again to skipper Andy and crew Ken for yet again taking us out and back safely and let's hope there are a few more chances before the Autumnal weather sees the close of the boating season.