Friday 7 September 2018

Strumble Diary 07/09/2018 (Afternoon Session)

Please see previous post for the mornings activity.

Well if the morning session was a porp fest then something was amiss because I didn't see a single porpoise on the afternoon flood tide. I thought this unusual at the beginning of the session but it soon became apparent why. I kept seeing very brief flashes of long tall fins out in the tide race which could mean only one thing "Commons". First one then more all coming from the directions the porpoise would normally come from. Then I managed to catch a mother and calf breach way out in the tide race to the NW and shortly after a single animal breached but off to the NNE. Closer observation and a clue from the Gannets showed that there were a distant pod very well spread out from the East side of Mackerel point way off to the North across a mile or so. Too far for my lens but a good clue as to where the closer ones had come from and as to why the porpoise were absent.