Monday 27 May 2019

Strumble diary 27/05/2019

A short session today due to the small tides. When I arrived Holly and the two interns plus one volunteer were busy scanning the tide race for porpoise. There had been action but hard to see and photograph in the disturbed water with lots of dash and splash. They left shortly after I arrived and I carried on the watch toward high tide. Things had gone quiet and I waited quite a while before a group of between eight and ten porpoise moved in. They too were moving very quickly and within six to eight minutes they too were gone. A group of people from Llanelli visited the lookout and were very interested in what I was doing so I spent fifteen minutes or so giving them a talk on the porpoise project and the Strumble environment and it's importance to the porpoise. They were all grateful for the information and went away wiser and more aware than when they had arrived. I did manage to get some images but no marked animals today.