Friday 30 August 2019

Strumble Diary 30/08/2019 With a Happy Ending

Big tides at the moment so masses of water rushing past the lookout. It was an ebb tide this morning but unlike yesterday the porpoise were showing a little better. Very fast moving porpoise in fast flowing water with big swells presents an added challenge in  trying to capture them. About twenty porpoise in all as an estimate with one confirmed marked fin although I think I sighted Denty one of our more regular visitors but didn't get the chance of an image. Several visitors showed an interest with a family from St Albans joining me for a while and to whom I gave one of my cards. So if you do look in Mike, see what came along about ten minutes after you left. The other was a fellow camera enthusiast from Oxford way who stayed and talked a while and it was during this conversation that as I was scanning with the binoculars I spotted that tell tale large fin of a Rissos out in the big swells to the NW about a half mile. One fin then two more and as I was trying to get the lens on them one went into a full out breaching fest with at least eight in a row before turning to go back to the group while doing another five or so breaches in the reverse direction. Happy? Yes I was!!