Monday 23 September 2019

Bottles in the Bay

A month of really good weather and every day I'd go to Harbour Village and look out over the bay for bottlenose and not a sign of them. It seemed they had given up on us and may not come again this season. Then today a text from Holly sent me scurrying to the breakwater as there were reports of dolphins in the bay off the inner breakwater. Being canny  (I thought) I went to the outer breakwater in a bid to catch them as the made their way out. I got there and soon spotted them still off the inner breakwater. The wind was in my face and increasing all the time, I suspect being pushed by the impending rain that was on it's way. Off in the distance behind the Ocean Lab I could see it getting ever closer. I rattled off a few distant shots if only as a record.  Just as they started heading out the heavens opened over me and I took shelter in the old lookout post at the breakwater's end. I watched through rain spattered binoculars as they passed way out to the other side of the bay and was hoping they would turn and come my way. No such luck and I watched them until they went out of sight and disappeared into the pouring rain. Thankfully Holly had managed to get out closer to them and captured a few shots. There were around twelve of them and they spent at least two hours happily feeding in the inner bay. Several people walking the breakwater got good views of them so a bonus in that and I hope they spread the word that our wonderful dolphins came to see us again. The following images are some from Holly's collection from today.