Saturday, 27 April 2024

Magazine Profile.

 Dear friends of Sea Trust Wales

Following on from the success of the collaboration between the National Park Authority, Sea Trust Wales and myself for the provision of the new interpretation posters in the lookout at strumble head, I was invited to be profiled in the "Friends of the Pembs Coast National Park" twice yearly magazine, "News & Views". I was interviewed a few months back and am pleased to see it now published in both physical and digital form.

Whilst it was about my role as a Sea Trust Volunteer  I also took it as a chance to promote the trust and the work done by all our wonderful staff and volunteers. I was honoured to get a four page spread as this is not normally the case, so along with some of my images taken over my time at Sea Trust I hope you find the article interesting. Best viewed on PC, laptop, or tablet (easier to read ). The article is on pages 12-16 but the whole magazine may be of interest also. Please follow the link below and scroll left to change pages.



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