Friday, 26 April 2024

Strumble Diary Photo ID volunteers April update

 As Ken mentioned in an earlier post not a great month weather-wise, But the Photo ID volunteers had sightings!

1st - At Strumble Head we had 2 sightings of harbour porpoises with many common dolphins and gannets everywhere, we were
glad to see some dolphins out there for our Easter porpoise picnic 🧺🐬
2nd - 6 sightings of harbour porpoises at Strumble Head with many common dolphins spotted.
3rd - Our survey team at Strumble Head had 2 sightings of harbour porpoises and saw a few common dolphins.
8th - At Strumble Head we only had 1 sighting of harbour porpoises and sightings of European Shags 🦅
11th - We had 6 sightings of harbour porpoises at Strumble Head and saw many gannets feeding and a grey seal was spotted. The
survey team even saw the porpoise’s tail slap and many bird species.
15th - Our survey team had 5 sightings of harbour porpoises seeing a total of 15 porpoises and even a few common dolphins.
Unfortunately due to rough seas and poor visibility.
16th - At Strumble we were lucky enough to see 8 porpoises however due to choppy water conditions and big swells we were unable to take any pictures.
18th - Our survey team were excited to see 7 sightings of porpoises with 25 individuals spotted, at Strumble head they even saw a grey seal feeding (we think it’s a skate) and they had some fun taking pictures of our local gulls 🦭
22nd - At Strumble head we had 3 sightings of porpoises, unfortunately with no pictures taken 🐬
23rd - At Strumble head we had 3 sightings of porpoises, unfortunately with no pictures taken 🐬
24th - Our survey team saw 18 individual porpoises with 6 sightings at Strumble Head.
25th - We had a super lucky day with 8 sightings of porpoises and 43 individual porpoises at Strumble head, the team even saw and took pictures of a whimbrel 🦅

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