Sunday, 14 April 2024

Strumble Diary 14/04/2024

 Two dry days in a row WOW!! Make the most of it I thought to myself. So I made my way out to Strumble with a clear blue sky above. Today's was a small tide so I wasn't expecting much action. The tide race was late forming at about four hours into the rising tide and was a weak but visible affair. The first porpoise spotted was coming in from the direction of Fishguard bay.  A brief sighting but signs at least that there were porps about. As things progressed more showed up, with several feeding some 600Mtrs out. Vidiographer Dan Abbot arrived as did Cliff and we spotted for Dan as he attempted to put his drone over the feeding porpoise. We observed the porpoise until just before high water and as the tide eased the porpoise got less and were further out. I left shortly after that happy with what I'd got in this session.

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