Monday, 15 April 2024

Strumble diary 14/4/24.

As Ken mentioned in his post, Dan Abbot was using his drone to video our Strumble porpoises yesterday here is a link to some of that video

 Dan is a pro' and has the necessary licenses The sheer concentration, dedication and skill it takes to get a few seconds of brilliant footage, has to be seen to be believed. Drones have become a menace in the wrong hands but when used like this, they can greatly add to our research on our Strumble Porpoises that we have been recording from the land for over twenty years. 

From watching other drone video. we can get a more accurate idea of how many dolphins or porpoises we are looking at as the gannet's eye view shows animals below the surface. Unless an animal surfaces we cannot see it, from the land, also if animals surface in the same area, we cannot be sure as to if it is the same animal surfacing or another nearby animal. Nice one Dan, many thanks for your support!

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