Thursday, 9 May 2024

Strumble Diary 09/05/2024

 A beautiful sunny morning with a light breeze, and what a delight to be looking out over the sea on such a fine day. Visibility was good at 12 miles or so and the sea calm. Almost straight away I was spotting Porpoise out in the distance and as the ebb flow got stronger they moved closer in. The Thursday team under Fran's guidance and with Cliff in tow arrived at 11am for the day's survey. 

Lovely to see new volunteer Maddie for her first survey although she has been a keen sea watcher for quite a while. A quick recap on a previous camera lesson and she was shooting away quite happily as we watched several porps come in to feed.

The sightings were thick and fast and because of the calm conditions we were spotting them from East to West and all points between. I captured three marked animals today so that should add to the catalogue but one I recognise from previous sightings. All in all an excellent survey with a minimum of 11 porpoise sighted and all the better to have the sun on your back instead of the chill winds and overcast conditions we've had for the past five weeks or so.

An odd sight at the end of the survey was a crow giving a Kestrel a merry chase in front of the lookout. A closer look when back home and I could see the Kestrel had prey in it's tallons so perhaps the crow was after whatever it was.

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