Friday 24 May 2024

Strumble Diary 24/05/2024

 A later tide today so no rush and even time for a bacon butty for breakfast, then off to Strumble for 11.30 ish. On arrival the tide race was just forming and a lot less turbulent than yesterday due to a westerly wind. The porpoise soon appeared but were less numerous than in previous days. In total seven to ten at a guess over a two hour period. Of note was a returning marked porpoise as highlighted below + one other, so well worth the time spent.

On returning home a heads up from Holly (Thanks Holly) on the supporters Whatsapp group sent me scurrying to the outer breakwater for Bottlenose Dolphins, the first of the year for me. Two animals which were showing well but headed off toward Pen Anglas some twenty minutes after my arrival. Managed to get a few good shots so I was not disappointed.

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