Monday 24 June 2024

Breakwater Bottles 23/06/2024

 A message from Lloyd sent me off to the outer breakwater in search of two Bottlenose dolphins that he'd spotted from Harbour Village. True to form though, when I arrived they were nowhere to be seen. I decided to hang around for a while in case they returned, which they did a half hour later. They came accross from the caravan park direction on the NE side of the bay. They foraged for a while and one of them caught a large SeaLamprey (Ammended. See entry for 25/06/24) which it seemed keen to show off by spy hopping several times just out in front of me. Shortly after that they again headed off accross the bay giving me a parting shot of full breaches with one getting at least ten feet in height with the other a few feet less but none the less a great sight. This smaller animal seems to have damage or a disfigured beak which while not definitive can be seen in the last two of the breaching images. If I remember correctly I feel I have seen this one before in the past.

I waited around for another hour or so but they didn't show again so I made my way off the breakwater and encountered a stunning Black Guillemot near the lifeboat pen in the inner harbour. As far as I'm aware there are a pair locally and they are the most southerly found in the UK and are much sought after by visiting bird enthusiasts.

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