Monday 24 June 2024

More Breakwater Bottles 24/06/2024

 Well a day much like yesterday weather wise, with an overcast sky and light winds. I would dearly like some sunshine when I connect with the bottlenose. An alert from Holly just as I was about to leave for Strumble made me change my mind and so I headed for the outer breakwater. She had seen two from her house but when I got there as usual they were nowhere to be seen. I waited and sure enough just as yesterday they turned up. Well one anyway. 

I enjoyed watching it chasing prey and it would seem that Garfish was the choice of the day. Just around 12.30 ish the other (presumably) female came in and took the one I was watching off out of the bay heading North West. I sat for a while and just after 1pm another two came in which were the same two I had yesterday. Again they were chasing Garfish with one just missing one right in front of me and the Garfish became a flying Fish, although I didn't miss the shot, phew! I don't know if the Garfish got away or not though.

Anyway, enjoy!!

                                             Stanley giving me a not quite sure sort of glance.

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