Saturday 29 June 2024

Strumble Diary 28/06/2024

 With the winds a bit lighter than the previous day I was unsure as to how active the porpoise would be, that's if they were there. I was a bit early in the tide so had to wait until the tide race formed, but in the meantime got talking to some visitors who were showing an interest in what I was looking for. I love educating people and so it was a great way to fill the time until the action started. In that time Cliff had arrived and as the visitors departed we both settled in for a hopeful session. 

As the tide race formed the porpoise started arriving. First one or two and then numbers increased with several threes and fours charging through chasing fish in all directions. As cliff said "Not quite porpoise soup but just as exciting". Indeed it was and I have to say it's a real pleasure to sit alongside Cliff, who, despite his years of watching and fighting the cause of the diminutive little porpoise obviously still finds great joy and an inner contentment at seeing his little charges thriving at Strumble Head. It really is quite infectious and I think I may be suffering from it too.

We estimated between 15-20 in total although it could have been more. The action lasted approximately 45 minutes before they started moving west with the tide. I have to say though it was one of the most active feeding sessions I've seen in quite a while.  

In the first two images below, I've shown you the normal cropped image and the wider view, although not the total wider view from which the crop was taken. This will give some idea of the distances involved and how small the porpoise are in the turbulent swells.

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