Tuesday 3 September 2024

Strumble Diary 03/09/2024

 A much better morning weather wise at Strumble and I was out for an early start arriving around 07.30. The flood tide was still running with broken cloud and sunshine overhead. I set up and started my watch and shortly after saw my first Rissos. A dozen or so out to the NE but heading in toward Fishguard Bay. A breaching juvenile was what originally got my attention. My hope was that either they would come back my way or more would come in.

Looking for a different perspective I moved down onto the rock ledge below the lookout, closer to the waterline. It took a while but then I spotted a few coming back west and rattled off a few shots. That started a steady stream of activity over the next two hours or so with one particular Rissos hanging around close in for almost an hour, diving and surfacing every ten minutes or so. I was so engrossed in the Rissos I seemingly missed a breaching Thresher Shark as reported by Luke a regular birder who was up at the lookout. Can't win them all I suppose.

As the now ebbing tide increased in strength I returned to the lookout where the Tuesday survey team were doing their watch. There were a couple more brief sightings of Rissos and also a dozen or so Porpoise. They ended their watch and so I decided to leave too. Another great Rissos morning for me I came away a very happy camper indeed.

On a last sad note though, a dead seal pup drifted by most probably washed off a small pebble cove along the coast. Life can be short and cruel at times but that's nature for you.

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