Monday 2 September 2024

Strumble Diary 02/09/2024

 More of an Autumn than late summer morning at Strumble today. A thickish mist that kept moving in and out through the session. Conditions for photography were dire to say the least, although with the right software and experience in it's use, sometimes all is not lost. Please allow me to demonstrate what can be achieved.

This first image is what the camera caught with just cropping in post process to bring the subject larger in the frame.

The first stage of processing is to remove the digital noise (grain) and sharpen slightly in dedicated software.

This is followed by the final steps of adjusting exposure, de-hazing to remove the fog and a final sharpening if required. Not perfect by any means but good enough for ID and record purposes.

If you click on the first image to enlarge it then scroll to the next two images you will better see the effects.

Now onto the survey itself. 

I arrived to see a few Rissos disappearing around the lighthouse. Just my luck eh? So I settled in, in hopes of seeing more later. I spotted several Common Dolphin moving east to west accross in front of the lookout and managed a few shots before they too rounded the lighthouse and journeyed off to the west. The Monday survey team arrived and with what visibility we did have we started the survey propper. Sightings of porpoise were difficult but fairly frequent and at one time we had seven + porpoise rounding Mackerel Point and moving in toward Porth Sychan. Chris then spotted some Rissos moving in from the west very quickly followed by thickening fog. I managed a few shots before it became impossible to see them never mind photograph them. We waited another half hour or so before it was decided to abandon the survey due to no visibility. Lovely to see three different species of cetacean in the same session though.

                           A shoal of baitfish, probably sprats, driven to the surface by larger fish.

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