Sunday, 16 March 2025

Commons in the Bay 16/03/2025

 I was just leaving Strumble and a message popped up on the Supporters group from Fiona Day, saying there were Commons in the bay. Rude not to take a look, so I headed straight to the harbour by the old extension. Thanks Fiona for the heads up. Just off the quay about 100mtrs were twelve or so Commons just milling around among a group of gulls sat on the water. Cliff and Fran turned up then left for the Ocean Lab to fetch our three new interns so that they could get some views of these lovely cetaceans at close quarters. 

Cliff spotted a Black Guillimot so I got a few shots of that too. The pair we have in the bay are the most southerly breeding pair in the whole of the UK so I am always pleased to have an encounter with these striking and distinctively marked birds. As the ferry prepared to sail the commons tightened together and started to move away from the quay area and as the ferry departed they quickly moved away from it toward the far side of the bay. At this point we returned to the Ocen Lab with three happy and smiling interns.


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