Saturday, 15 March 2025

Strumble Diary 15/03/2025

 Wall to wall sunshine this morning but still that cruel bite in the NE wind. I arrived just after high water about 30 minutes into the dropping tide. Not a lot of movement in the water but several commons distant still feeding in the remnants of the tide race. The following two hours were quiet with the odd small group of commons showing as they passed through. As the tide race formed of Pen Caer point the porpoise started to come in to feed. Mostly individuals to start with but also a two, three, and a four later in the session. Some showed well, others not so, but enough to keep me on my toes busily scanning the tide race for shooting opportunities.

Session 08.40-12.45. Wind ENE-NE 2-3. Sea state 2. Vis excellent to horizon. Clear sky.




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