Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Strumble Diary 22/05/2024

 Firstly an update on the televising of our inclusion on ITV's Coast & Country. It will now be split over two episodes with the porpoise watch at Strumble being shown as previously stated on the 11th June 8-9pm. The second instalment showing the Ocean Lab, the aquarium and all things Sea Trust will be on the 28th June at 7pm. Don't forget to tune in folks.

Now to today's session. 

Yesterday was Tshirt weather, today it was fleece & gloves in a rather nippy NW wind with a blanket of cloud overhead. It seemed to affect the porpoise too as although the numbers were good they had gone into stealth mode. Lots of fin tips and quite a bit of dash & splash as well. This of course leads to quite a lot of frustration as I try to track and get shots of them as they speed through the tide race. Thankfully later in the session some did show better but under the grey choppy conditions it was still quite hard to track them.  


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